We have seen so many recyclable products—from 3D-printed sneakers to bio-sneakers. But German outdoor gear brand Vaude is taking recycling up a notch with their latest Novum 3D backpack. It is the world’s first recyclable backpack made with recyclable just one type of material.
3D printed backpack by Vaude & OECHSLER
The innovative prototype bag boasts a honeycomb construction that offers maximum stability using minimal materials. All the parts of this bag with circular design are 3D printed, including the back pads and the straps. And, these parts consist of 100-percent thermoplastic material (TPU).

What’s more interesting is that each component of this 3D-printed backpack is completely removable and recyclable. Hence, it will be a major step from the brand towards a circular economy.
Future of sustainable products

The backpack is not just a pioneering object in climate-friendly production for its recyclability. But also because of its local collaboration with Bavarian 3D printing expert OECHSLER.

The whole production process, including designing, production, and development has taken place in Germany. Even for its primary material, the firm has used only an undyed material that also decreases the chemical usage.

Overall, the Novum 3D is the perfect epitome of sustainable production. It is also the brand’s first step towards recyclable outdoor gear and accessories.

Plus, it offers a new insight into creating more and more products using mono-materials.
Project status
For now, Vaude is planning to display the innovative Novum 3D backpack prototype at the 2022 OutDoor by ISPO in Munich this June. At the event, it is likely to draw a lot of attention and feedback.