BabyGlitch BPA-free Silicone Gaming Remote Teethers For Babies

BabyGlitch BPA-free Silicone Game Controller Teether Toy For Kids

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Have you faced the situation when you’re playing your favorite video game and toddlers show up asking for the console? But you don’t want to give them the console, as you’re playing your best at that time, or you’re worried that the little one might gnaw the game controller. In this situation, you need silicone game controller teether toy by BabyGlitch.

Great For gamer parents & kids who fidget

Branding as “the world’s first baby brand dedicated to gamers, by gamers,” the BabyGlitch team has created these BPA-free silicone based video game controllers for your kids (aged 3+ months old to 4-years-old).

BabyGlitch gaming remote toy
Image: BabyGlitch / Kickstarter

To be extra safe, these replicas of Nintendo, Xbox, and PlayStation controllers are created using BPA-free silicone. This means that you don’t have to stress about your kids chewing them.

A baby chewing on BabyGlitch gaming remote toy
Image: BabyGlitch / Kickstarter

This project by a couple, Seth and Mishelle Bruce, is currently being funded via a campaign on Kickstarter. According to Seth, being a father to a toddle, the toy choices are very common — either a stuffed toy or plastic toys. So, he decided to create something different for gamer parents and future gamer kids.

BabyGlitch gaming toy buttons
Image: BabyGlitch / Kickstarter

That’s how the idea for creating these silicone consoles came to his mind.  The BabyGlitch gaming remote controller is also a fidget toy and can help kids and adults who have problem of fidgeting.

When I can buy BabyGlitch toy?

BabyGlitch gaming toy color variants
Image: BabyGlitch / Kickstarter

BabyGlitch is now running a Kickstarter campaign to crowd-fund and mass-produce this new product. If you want to support their initiative, you can back the campaign on the crowdfunding website.

BabyGlitch gaming toy features
Image: BabyGlitch / Kickstarter

These chewable gaming consoles are available in five variations and nine different color combinations.

Our Take

According to us, it is a novel concept for gamer parents and their kids. Even though these are not playable controllers, they appear realistic. Plus, it enables your young ones to start participating with their mom, dad, or elder sibling is playing their real game.