In stressful times in life, people often recommend you to do meditation. After all, it rejuvenates your mind and body. Resonate is one such company that regularly works to bring gadgets to keep your state-of-mind in good condition.
Recently, the company teamed up with the London-based design firm LAYER to offer you the ultimate multisensory experience with their LightVision headset.

It is a meditation headset that aims to transport you into a pure meditative state of mind thanks to its 20-minute session. These sessions elevate your state of mind using a combination of sound, light, and vibration.
LightVision meditation inducing headset

The LightVision headset comes with an LED matrix display that transports you to a meditative state of mind. It presents eye-pleasing natural phenomena such as waves crashing against the seashore or a shoal of fish swimming deep underwater into abstract biomorphic patterns that can be experienced even when your eyes are closed.

These patterns are intended to calm the user’s brain activity with meditative experiences. When you listen to the sound of waves crashing against a shore and abstract patterns of marine life swimming in the deep blue ocean, it calms your mind.
Headset features and controls

Even the design of this headset expresses the product’s functionality. For instance, the lighting strips frame the internal edges of this headset. These lighting strips cast lights on the users’ faces to create a type of ‘don’t disturb’ signal. When the LED matrix is on, users can adjust the volume of the soundtrack.

And, also alter LED brightness through an intuitively accessible capacitive interface. This interface lies beneath the casing. It even features a USC-C charging port and a power button.
Meditation headset package
As a complete Resonate Grand Meditation package, you can even receive noise-canceling headphones, a vibrating ottoman, and a scientifically-designed audio library to keep you calm.

Together, this whole package intends to take you to the pure meditative state. So, you can feel relaxed both physically and mentally.

The complete Resonate headset package (for $2,499) is currently not available. You can join the waitlist and reserve it for $299. It is expected to ship sometime in the first half of 2022.